Showing posts with label portlandia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portlandia. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A little under the weather

I've been feeling a little sluggish, a little bleh for the past few days. My blogging has suffered as a direct result but I'm on the mend. 

In an attempt to get healthier I've decided to walk more often. I take it very seriously and find myself walking for hours around the city. To make it fun I've been exploring the sights and sounds of Portland Oregon. 

Yesterday I headed out to the sauna and on my way home I bumped into Portland's very own mini White House. I didn't know we had one but apparently we do and it's pretty cool. 

I love historic homes and mansions. While visiting Louisiana several years ago I had a blast looking at all the sites and learning about their colorful history. In Portland many of these homes are privately owned and maintained so its best to keep a distance. I'd love to do a photo shoot here, something presidential and henna related hmmmm.

Oh, and I almost stepped on that slug too. Had to get down on the sidewalk to get that pic. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Bubbles Under The Bridge

On the eve of memorial day I accompanied local photographer extraordinaire down to the waterfront (under the Hawthorne bridge) to take pictures of our beautiful Portland Oregon skyline. Instead we were greeted with the sounds of loud drumming (along with flute, guitar, bells, and maracas), dancing, performance art, and BUBBLES!

The bubble man was nice enough to let me play along and a bubble fest ensued. Portland is known for its weird and quirky citizens (thanks Portlandia). I'm so happy to call Portland Oregon home, and to have been able to participate in this impromptu celebration.

It's always fun when people from all walks of life gather to jam and have a good time.

All images copyright 2013 Free Hand Mehndi and Maison-Cruise Photo Gallery.